The Value of Love by Carol Naylor

                                                courtesy of

Vows made, rings exchanged, hearts fluttering.
We made a lifelong promise to cherish each other,
Hopeful it would blossom and flourish in eternal bliss.
Love, a precious gift. But ours was wrapped in cellophane
Like a shapeless bundle of clay, suffocating
Every breath of life from its lungs,
Draining the blood from its veins,
Reducing this gift to a limp reminder
Of its former power of creation, its glory.
Guaranteed for seven days they should have said,
The price of love, not worth more nor less
Than just a bunch of flowers, reduced,
Almost given away for nothing, the value of love?
It should have been priceless not worthless.
courtesy of
COPYRIGHT 2012. Permission to use this poem must be obtained from the writer.


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