The Escape by C.L.Taylor.
The Escape by C.L.Taylor. "She isn't afraid of going outside, she's afraid of situations where she can't escape or get help." It seems that some things are impossible to escape: tragic incidents in the past, something we can all relate to. Bury the skeletons and what happens? Eventually, things will surface and we have to attempt to deal with the impossible. Taylor has created a credible character in the form of Jo. Blackmore, still grieving over the loss of her baby son and suffering from agoraphobia. Her husband, Max, an investigative journalist (or a crime reporter) is portrayed less sympathetically, seems to be far too protective of Jo and obsessive with his young daughter Elise. He has been instrumental in the conviction of Ian White who had set up a national chain of money-lending shops that charged extortionate interest rates for vulnerable people such as ...