Elizabeth is Missing by Emma Healey.
. Elizabeth Is Missing by Emma Healey. "I've missed this tiny thing for nearly seventy years. And now the earth, made sludgy and chewable with the melting snow, has spat out a relic. Spat it into my hands. But where from?" It seems that Healey's paternal grandmother who had been showing signs of senility came out with the simple but inspiring phrase that prompted this debut novel: "My friend is missing." The critics loved it. I loved it. Healey didn't want it to be too bleak portraying a vulnerable octogenarian showing signs of dementia, trapped in a life of boredom and tedium: watching or attempting to watch tv, attempting to read when the words don't make sense, waiting endlessly for the carer or the daughter. What a life! Nine publishers fought over its publication and the tv rights hav...