The Next Big Spanish Adventure by Janette Davies.
The Next Big Spanish Adventure by Janette Davies. "It was too late, all the rafters had seen the sitting man, his body bound with white sheeting and his decapitated head, face turned towards the river, resting on his lap." The saga continues at Apartamento Paraiso with some of the familiar characters we met in the first book and some welcoming additions. " Chaos to the Costa" could have been a headline in the Sol Times . The expats seem responsible for some bizarre goings-on once again. A murder in the least expected place, a beauty spot, apparently staged for maximum effect, to shock and horrify, I.S. style to give it a contemporary feel, followed by a brutal murder witnessed by newly weds on what should have been a happy occasion. The usual cycle of unexpected birth, marriage and natural deaths complete the pattern. Nothing untoward there. But a 51% share in a brothel? We a...