Rosalind's Sister by Tara Scott-Page.
"I am everything you ever feared in your life. Someone would pay one way or another for the filth and humiliation suffered. Bitter Sweet Revenge." Rosalind McKinley is a tough 28 year old cookie, ambitious and extremely determined to leave her unhappy past well and truly behind her in Indiana and an abusive, sexist lout of a father unwittingly following in sister Shirley's footsteps who had long since escaped this drudgery. Both girls carry a family portrait, sentimentally showing two young girls standing in a park, one 5 years of age the older one, 15. A lifelong bond and inevitably, essential to the plot and the thriller element of this story. Will they meet up and be reunited? Rosalind undergoes a dramatic transformation: a new persona emerges with a "tinge of quality for a woman of obvious quality." Leonora Carrington-Jones' love affair with Manhattan, New York begins at the salubrious C arlisle hotel, synonymous with wealth and ...